On being a girl.

Whether you're a girl or a guy, there's always more to learn and ponder about the female sex.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

If girls ruled the world.

I honestly think the world would be a better place if females ran the world, or at least our country. I’m not talking about painting everything pink, making everything “pretty,” or even designing toilet seats that don’t require men to lift the seat up and in turn, leave it up (I wish). I’m talking about dealing with other countries, making decisions, resolving conflicts. Okay, I don't want to get all “feminist” on you here, but I think I have a valid point.

Think about it; if our country had a female president in office, we probably wouldn’t be in a war. A female would find other means to deal with a disagreement among countries. Our first impulse would never be to “bomb the shit out of those guys.” We would use communication until exhaustion before using weapons. Sure, we’d probably tell the other country that “nothing’s wrong,” but you know as well as I, we always don’t mean that.

If one female leader’s country were in conflict with another female leader’s country, things would operate differently from this testosterone-driven world. Worst-case scenario wouldn’t be war. It would be that the two countries just didn’t speak to each other for a while and spread rumors about the other, around the world. Where are the casualties in that?

A female would fly across the world to calmly settle disputes. Men tend to be lazy (don’t deny it), and would be more comfortable making some speech to be broadcasted on TV from their office, to warn the other countries to cease their fighting. While I sometimes doubt that Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice is a woman, she recently proved my point by taking a trip to Lebanon and Israel to attempt to end the violence.

It is innate for the male sex to be violent. They are the hunters. They are also the ones who created weapons, boxing, and Wrestlemania. Women, by nature, are nurturing and are natural peacemakers. Contrary to what most men think, we actually don’t like to fight or even quarrel. I had a boyfriend that once started an argument with me because he believed that something was wrong with our relationship since we never fought. If he were the leader of some country, he’d probably initiate war with some poor neutral country like Canada!

Right now only 13% of the Senate is female, only one member of the president’s cabinet is a woman, and the Supreme Court is dwindling with only one female member. Maybe it’s why our “progressive” country is lagging behind. Maybe it’s why there have been so many conflicts over the years, and especially most recently. Maybe being a girl in politics isn’t a bad idea after all.


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